Minggu, 26 April 2009


JURNAL SAINTS and Technological BPPT
AUTHOR : Prof. Dr. Enri Damanhuri Departemen Teknik Lingkungan - FTSP ITB
SOURCE : Prosiding Seminar Teknologi to Negeri 2003, Vol. I, matter. 394 - 400 /

Background Problems

Handling of garbage specially in big towns in Indonesia is one of problems of the urban till now are challenge for organizer of town. Accretion of resident and improvement of fast such a activity in big towns, have resulted the increasing of garbages amount accompanied by his problems. Is predicted at most only around 60% -
oblems of garbage in his town, without having to give the attention proporsional to the medium.....

Especial activity destruction of garbage in TPA is with landfilling. Immeasurable technological storey;level landfilling, among its very often referred by sanitary landfill the virtualness in industrial state assumed simplest. For certain that the used in Indonesia is not landfilling which either due almost entire TPA in towns in Indonesia only applying what do was known as open-dumping, which frankly is improper conceived of a systematic way, and difficult at all also conceived of a technology form handling of garbage


In this time management of garbage in towns in Indonesia usually are not takes important priority so much, many town problem to be handled. Duty of organizer of garbage are not becoming light in a period coming soon. If willingness, the effort and ability remain to be like in this time, hence problem of garbage will always arise. Efficacy of management of garbage is especially will depend on political willingness specially from organizer of town. This willingness is started from understanding and awareness for the importance of this sector as wrong of town infrastructure able to expressed efficacy in managing the town.

The next Basic matter is the importance of a consistent and overall policy in handling of garbage, so that instruct handling of garbage don't have the character of transient. In a kind of this case, hence role of private sector needed to reckon in handling of long-range garbage, including his participation in the effort recycle, processing and destruction of garbage.

Development of technology matching with the condition of Indonesia needed to embolden, specially the easy to adapt with condition sosio-economic of Indonesia society. Technological being based on role and also society seems require the priority, so that involvement they become more directional and meaning in handling garbage. But recognition of the technology is sophisticated relative, solid of capital, and recognized by could be annihilate the garbage like insinerator, up for studied also specialy for towns which have can. In Indonesia, systematic and comprehensive enough study concerning application insinerator for town Jakarta and also possibility of exploiting of his gumption frankly have been done in the early of year of 1980-an by BPPT. But unhappily this study is not acted in conducive scale, so that till now Indonesia not yet had the experience able to be used in election of this technology. Time has come this technological application study is re-emboldened, including study usage of technology insinerator modular such as is in this time applied in some towns in Indoensia, be like Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya.

A little note from kecil-or
Is a fact that government are not care much with this situation specialy how to handle garbage in final exile. It is true that government also need participath and support from the society, so than the society waiting some action from the government, even some community are already handling well their garbage it’s resulting of reducing the volume of final exile.
Technology mostly like a knife, it could be usefull or kill us, it’s depend of how to handle the technology. Of course the frindliness technology we have to supporting that the one we are mostly familiar with this. We can allowed the technology that we are can not drive it savely or it is indicated to dangerous to the envirofment. We have to disallowed blind man drive our bus, or we disallowed the driver fly with the plane.
I hope this a little notes makes us growing and a wakes that not all technology allowed for us, more than anything else there are much others solution that without dangerous indication.
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Situ gintung “overdue awareness”

When disaster come the media multitudes prints and electronics are loaded the event. Expert from BPPT, LIPI, DEP PU, WALHI shows crowded phrase the criticism and defence in around accident of situ gintung. Gintung lake were build in year of 1930an by government of Dutch Indies, tired broadness 30 ha more in the begining. This lake buil up with a purpose to skin-deep water level of diffusion water and land;land around the lake. Equally situ gintung is the conservation farm support the area around situ, intended some of Jakarta.

Around situ cultivated or have ever been multifarious planted of big crop and small, situ gintung encircled by forest as conservation farm. Governmental of Dutch Indies is truely really wishing superficiality of ground water and conservation area of around Jakarta to sustain life in Jakarta....

Some times before dam destroyed, there no information in society are widely regarding situation the lake, almost altogether work in good condition. This Signal indicated that environmental institute and body in area of around the lake doesn’t do they function totalizely. Media is also apply equally, more than anything else the government of commisioned manage the society.

After destroyed dam their multitudes drug and every time display the information, fulfill every newspaper page;yard sheet. Its node :: “ In this country teeny and there no attention concerning safety more than anything else prosperity of society. Society is always become the victimizing badness leadership. Institute control barren nonalignment to society. All partys do are only something that they have the glimpse assess to fill their pocket, their result after disaster happened without cattish they voice the analysis and criticism at all are truly late.

There no overdue word to makes changes, but criticize, self-defence and also the analysis phrased in various pittance media have indications instruct to better change. Which seeing arise impression of desire to be involved in the project are have society victimizing already. Where that the shame feel ?????
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