Wednesday, September 10, 2008
JAKARTA, WEDNESDAY, Ministry of Environment in one year will be issued Government Regulation (PP) on waste management. This regulation was aimed at companies that generate waste released via the waste and packaging products.................
Decree issued on the basis of Law No.18 Year 2008 on Waste Management. "This regulation will give the company the responsibility of waste management, including when the received consumer," said Environment Minister Rachmat Witoelar, in Jakarta, Wednesday (10 / 9).
Rachmat added that the current waste management is only charged to the public. In fact, the location of the dump (TPA) citizens have bad effects on the environmental conditions that are not healthy.
One of the PP content was every industry must be responsible for packaging and packaging companies are obliged to label the subsequent processing instructions. Currently the draft regulations to the plan amounted to eleven points are still in the stage penggodokan in Ministry of Environment.
In the same occasion, Deputy Minister of Environmental Pollution Control Division, M. Gempur Adnan, the company proposes to establish a body or association to discuss more about the management of such waste.
Ministry of Environment as the supervisor hope, in one year since the regulation was issued later, every company can budget the cost of managing a company's internal parts. "Long-term, within ten years, 70 percent of the entire waste management industry in Indonesia has been running, with a level indicator on the environmental damage," Adnan added.
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Senin, 28 September 2009
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup Siapkan Aturan Soal Sampah
Rabu, 10 September 2008 | 21:45 WIB
JAKARTA,RABU- Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dalam satu tahun ini akan mengeluarkan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) mengenai pengelolaan sampah. PP ini ditujukan kepada perusahaan yang menghasilkan sampah yang dikeluarkan melaui limbah maupun kemasan produknya................
PP tersebut dikeluarkan atas dasar Undang-Undang No.18 Tahun 2008 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah. "PP ini akan memberikan tanggung jawab kepada perusahaan tentang pengelolaan sampahnya termasuk ketika diterima konsumen," kata Menteri Lingkungan Hidup RI, Rachmat Witoelar, di Jakarta, Rabu (10/9).
Rachmat menambahkan, saat ini pengelolaan sampah hanya dibebankan kepada masyarakat. Bahkan, di lokasi Tempat Pembuangan Sampah (TPA) warga mengalami dampak yang begitu buruk yaitu kondisi lingkungan yang tidak sehat.
Salah satu isi PP tersebut adalah setiap industri harus bertanggung jawab terhadap kemasannya dan perusahaan wajib melabeli kemasan tersebut tentang petunjuk pengolahan selanjutnya. Saat ini draft PP yang rencananya berjumlah sebelas butir masih dalam tahap penggodokan di Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup.
Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Deputi Menteri Bidang Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan, M. Gempur Adnan, mengusulkan kepada perusahaan untuk membentuk suatu badan atau asosiasi untuk membicarakan lebih lanjut mengenai pengelolaan sampah tersebut.
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup selaku pengawas berharap, dalam satu tahun semenjak PP dikeluarkan nanti, tiap perusahaan dapat menganggarkan biaya pengelolaan menjadi bagian internal perusahaan. "Jangka panjangnya, dalam waktu sepuluh tahun, 70 persen pengelolaan sampah seluruh industri di Indonesia sudah berjalan, dengan indikator tingkat kerusakan pada lingkungan," tambah Adnan. Read More......
JAKARTA,RABU- Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dalam satu tahun ini akan mengeluarkan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) mengenai pengelolaan sampah. PP ini ditujukan kepada perusahaan yang menghasilkan sampah yang dikeluarkan melaui limbah maupun kemasan produknya................
PP tersebut dikeluarkan atas dasar Undang-Undang No.18 Tahun 2008 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah. "PP ini akan memberikan tanggung jawab kepada perusahaan tentang pengelolaan sampahnya termasuk ketika diterima konsumen," kata Menteri Lingkungan Hidup RI, Rachmat Witoelar, di Jakarta, Rabu (10/9).
Rachmat menambahkan, saat ini pengelolaan sampah hanya dibebankan kepada masyarakat. Bahkan, di lokasi Tempat Pembuangan Sampah (TPA) warga mengalami dampak yang begitu buruk yaitu kondisi lingkungan yang tidak sehat.
Salah satu isi PP tersebut adalah setiap industri harus bertanggung jawab terhadap kemasannya dan perusahaan wajib melabeli kemasan tersebut tentang petunjuk pengolahan selanjutnya. Saat ini draft PP yang rencananya berjumlah sebelas butir masih dalam tahap penggodokan di Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup.
Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Deputi Menteri Bidang Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan, M. Gempur Adnan, mengusulkan kepada perusahaan untuk membentuk suatu badan atau asosiasi untuk membicarakan lebih lanjut mengenai pengelolaan sampah tersebut.
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup selaku pengawas berharap, dalam satu tahun semenjak PP dikeluarkan nanti, tiap perusahaan dapat menganggarkan biaya pengelolaan menjadi bagian internal perusahaan. "Jangka panjangnya, dalam waktu sepuluh tahun, 70 persen pengelolaan sampah seluruh industri di Indonesia sudah berjalan, dengan indikator tingkat kerusakan pada lingkungan," tambah Adnan. Read More......
BGC Participants Ask Support Official Governments
Monday, September 14, 2009, 05:45:00
BANDUNG, (PRLM) .- Participants Bandung program Green and Clean (BGC) in 2009 complaining about the lack of attention and concern cantonal authorities to the program. In fact, the support from regional authorities will be very
meaningful to participants...............
Chairman of BGC Facilitator RW 02 Kel. Pasirlayung, Kec. South Cibeunying - Edi Kusnadi Widjaja said, since BGC launched, he and residents makes corrections environment. Among them improve greening program, the division of the flower pot or drum to the hamlet, and the creation of new Biopori hole.
In addition, residents also streamline the waste management by applying the sorting of household waste from up to small-scale composting. Through a number of changes, RW 02 Kel. Pasirlayung forward to the round of 30 nominees BGC.
Only, Edi revealed, success was not followed with care, attention, and assistance from the village and district, both morally and materially. "All this seems entirely owned BGC RW or obligations and responsibilities RW," he said.
Similar complaints submitted Kustiana Nana, facilitator BGC in other districts, some time ago. According to him, no cantonal authorities that specifically convey support for their participation
In fact, Nana claims often progress report to the activities of regional authorities. "Starting from the report of each activity, the formation of the committee, composting activities. However, there is no response in the field, "said Nana. In fact, his RW included in the thirty-RW drive to the next stage.
Nana reveals, the support of its citizens is not desired in the form of material support. "We're just asking, for example, if there is activity, cantonal authorities came and went into the field with the residents. It would be very mean, "said Nana.
In response, Deputy Mayor Bandung Vivananda Ayi says, BGC is a government and community programs. "If there cantonal authorities that do not support would be called upon to provide
support in accordance with the capacity and authority. We hope that the citizens or the head of RW that was not supported by regional authorities, can be reported with a clear identity, both the complainant and reported, "he said. (A-188/A-147) *** Read More......
BANDUNG, (PRLM) .- Participants Bandung program Green and Clean (BGC) in 2009 complaining about the lack of attention and concern cantonal authorities to the program. In fact, the support from regional authorities will be very
meaningful to participants...............
Chairman of BGC Facilitator RW 02 Kel. Pasirlayung, Kec. South Cibeunying - Edi Kusnadi Widjaja said, since BGC launched, he and residents makes corrections environment. Among them improve greening program, the division of the flower pot or drum to the hamlet, and the creation of new Biopori hole.
In addition, residents also streamline the waste management by applying the sorting of household waste from up to small-scale composting. Through a number of changes, RW 02 Kel. Pasirlayung forward to the round of 30 nominees BGC.
Only, Edi revealed, success was not followed with care, attention, and assistance from the village and district, both morally and materially. "All this seems entirely owned BGC RW or obligations and responsibilities RW," he said.
Similar complaints submitted Kustiana Nana, facilitator BGC in other districts, some time ago. According to him, no cantonal authorities that specifically convey support for their participation
In fact, Nana claims often progress report to the activities of regional authorities. "Starting from the report of each activity, the formation of the committee, composting activities. However, there is no response in the field, "said Nana. In fact, his RW included in the thirty-RW drive to the next stage.
Nana reveals, the support of its citizens is not desired in the form of material support. "We're just asking, for example, if there is activity, cantonal authorities came and went into the field with the residents. It would be very mean, "said Nana.
In response, Deputy Mayor Bandung Vivananda Ayi says, BGC is a government and community programs. "If there cantonal authorities that do not support would be called upon to provide
support in accordance with the capacity and authority. We hope that the citizens or the head of RW that was not supported by regional authorities, can be reported with a clear identity, both the complainant and reported, "he said. (A-188/A-147) *** Read More......
BioPoska fertilizer from organic waste plant in Bogor Botanical Gardens
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 16:27 wib
BioPoska fertilizer LIPI Launches
Rachmatunnisa - Okezone
BOGOR - LIPI had never stopped innovating to take advantage of the potential environment. Along with anniversary celebrations Bogor Botanical Gardens (KRB) to 192, LIPI BioPoska fertilizer product launches.
"BioPoska fertilizer made from all organic waste from plants in the KRB. That way, besides making KRB environment clean, garbage is collected not wasted but restored benefits for plant fertility," said Endang Sukara, Deputy Head of Science Biological Okezone LIPI when found in HUT KRB, Monday (18/5/2009 )..............
BioPoska organic fertilizer is compost nitrogen and free blocks chemicals that successfully developed KRB. The specialty fertilizer is pure preparations of twigs, leaves and roots that fall from the KRB.
Trash is then fermented naturally to produce high value compost. 87 hectares of land area KRB, has the potential to produce four to six tons of organic fertilizer per day. The result is then used again for the enrichment and preservation of KRB.
"Organic fertilizer from compost KRB completely free of chemicals, so very good in binding nitrogen and fertilize the plants," said Endang.
According to him, the factory-made fertilizers are generally always have a mixture of chemicals so there is always a side effect of its use. As the soil cracks when dry season or become very muddy during the rainy season. This will gradually cause environmental damage. While pure organic fertilizer can adjust weather conditions and environmentally friendly.
When asked whether this fertilizer will also be marketed to the public, Endang said that for the needs of KRB alone still seems to be less. However, LIPI educate people about the technology of this organic fertilizer.
"Although we are not marketing it to outside interests KRB, but the wider community can adapt this technology, so that the benefits of waste management for the conservation of plants can be felt by many people,"
Also Endang also said that the need to provide education regarding the benefits of plants to the public. This has long been conducted by LIPI. According to him, if people already know the benefits that they do, they will be moved alone to preserve plant and harvest living for themselves and future generations.
(srn). Read More......
BioPoska fertilizer LIPI Launches
Rachmatunnisa - Okezone
BOGOR - LIPI had never stopped innovating to take advantage of the potential environment. Along with anniversary celebrations Bogor Botanical Gardens (KRB) to 192, LIPI BioPoska fertilizer product launches.
"BioPoska fertilizer made from all organic waste from plants in the KRB. That way, besides making KRB environment clean, garbage is collected not wasted but restored benefits for plant fertility," said Endang Sukara, Deputy Head of Science Biological Okezone LIPI when found in HUT KRB, Monday (18/5/2009 )..............
BioPoska organic fertilizer is compost nitrogen and free blocks chemicals that successfully developed KRB. The specialty fertilizer is pure preparations of twigs, leaves and roots that fall from the KRB.
Trash is then fermented naturally to produce high value compost. 87 hectares of land area KRB, has the potential to produce four to six tons of organic fertilizer per day. The result is then used again for the enrichment and preservation of KRB.
"Organic fertilizer from compost KRB completely free of chemicals, so very good in binding nitrogen and fertilize the plants," said Endang.
According to him, the factory-made fertilizers are generally always have a mixture of chemicals so there is always a side effect of its use. As the soil cracks when dry season or become very muddy during the rainy season. This will gradually cause environmental damage. While pure organic fertilizer can adjust weather conditions and environmentally friendly.
When asked whether this fertilizer will also be marketed to the public, Endang said that for the needs of KRB alone still seems to be less. However, LIPI educate people about the technology of this organic fertilizer.
"Although we are not marketing it to outside interests KRB, but the wider community can adapt this technology, so that the benefits of waste management for the conservation of plants can be felt by many people,"
Also Endang also said that the need to provide education regarding the benefits of plants to the public. This has long been conducted by LIPI. According to him, if people already know the benefits that they do, they will be moved alone to preserve plant and harvest living for themselves and future generations.
(srn). Read More......
Rabu, 23 September 2009
Peserta BGC Minta Dukungan Aparat Pemerintah
Peserta BGC Minta Dukungan Aparat Pemerintah
Senin, 14 September 2009 , 05:45:00
BANDUNG, (PRLM).- Peserta program Bandung Green and Clean (BGC) 2009 mengeluhkan minimnya perhatian dan kepedulian aparat kewilayahan terhadap program tersebut. Padahal, dukungan dari aparat kewilayahan akan sangat
berarti bagi peserta.
Fasilitator BGC Ketua RW 02 Kel. Pasirlayung, Kec. Cibeunying Kidul Edi Kusnadi Widjaja mengatakan, sejak BGC digulirkan, ia bersama warga melakukan pembenahan lingkungan. Di antaranya meningkatkan program penghijauan, pembagian pot atau drum bunga ke setiap RT, dan pembuatan lubang biopori baru.
Selain itu, warga juga mengefektifkan pengelolaan sampah dengan menerapkan pemilahan sampah sejak rumah tangga hingga pembuatan kompos skala kecil. Melalui sejumlah perubahan itu, RW 02 Kel. Pasirlayung maju ke babak 30 besar nominator BGC.
Hanya, Edi mengungkapkan, keberhasilan itu tidak diikuti dengan kepedulian, perhatian, dan bantuan dari kelurahan serta kecamatan, baik moril maupun materiil. ”Selama ini sepertinya BGC sepenuhnya milik RW atau kewajiban dan tanggung jawab RW,” ujarnya.
Keluhan senada disampaikan Nana Kustiana, fasilitator BGC di kecamatan lainnya, beberapa waktu lalu. Menurut dia, belum ada aparat kewilayahan yang secara khusus menyampaikan dukungan terhadap keikutsertaan mereka..............
Padahal, Nana mengaku kerap menyampaikan laporan perkembangan kegiatan kepada aparat kewilayahan. ”Mulai dari laporan setiap kegiatan, pembentukan panitia, kegiatan pembuatan kompos. Namun, tidak ada respons di lapangan,” kata Nana. Padahal, RW-nya termasuk dalam tigapuluh RW yang melaju ke tahapan selanjutnya.
Nana mengungkapkan, dukungan yang diinginkan warganya bukanlah dukungan dalam bentuk materi. ”Kami hanya meminta, misalnya, kalau ada kegiatan, aparat kewilayahan datang dan terjun ke lapangan bersama warga. Hal itu akan sangat berarti,” ujar Nana.
Menanggapi hal itu, Wakil Wali Kota Bandung Ayi Vivananda mengatakan, BGC adalah program pemerintah dan masyarakat. ”Jika memang ada aparat kewilayahan yang tidak mendukung tentu akan dipanggil agar memberikan
dukungan sesuai dengan kapasitas dan kewenangannya. Kami berharap agar warga atau ketua RW yang merasa tidak didukung oleh aparat kewilayahan, dapat melaporkan disertai identitas yang jelas, baik pelapor maupun terlapor,” ujarnya. (A-188/A-147)*** Read More......
Senin, 14 September 2009 , 05:45:00
BANDUNG, (PRLM).- Peserta program Bandung Green and Clean (BGC) 2009 mengeluhkan minimnya perhatian dan kepedulian aparat kewilayahan terhadap program tersebut. Padahal, dukungan dari aparat kewilayahan akan sangat
berarti bagi peserta.
Fasilitator BGC Ketua RW 02 Kel. Pasirlayung, Kec. Cibeunying Kidul Edi Kusnadi Widjaja mengatakan, sejak BGC digulirkan, ia bersama warga melakukan pembenahan lingkungan. Di antaranya meningkatkan program penghijauan, pembagian pot atau drum bunga ke setiap RT, dan pembuatan lubang biopori baru.
Selain itu, warga juga mengefektifkan pengelolaan sampah dengan menerapkan pemilahan sampah sejak rumah tangga hingga pembuatan kompos skala kecil. Melalui sejumlah perubahan itu, RW 02 Kel. Pasirlayung maju ke babak 30 besar nominator BGC.
Hanya, Edi mengungkapkan, keberhasilan itu tidak diikuti dengan kepedulian, perhatian, dan bantuan dari kelurahan serta kecamatan, baik moril maupun materiil. ”Selama ini sepertinya BGC sepenuhnya milik RW atau kewajiban dan tanggung jawab RW,” ujarnya.
Keluhan senada disampaikan Nana Kustiana, fasilitator BGC di kecamatan lainnya, beberapa waktu lalu. Menurut dia, belum ada aparat kewilayahan yang secara khusus menyampaikan dukungan terhadap keikutsertaan mereka..............
Padahal, Nana mengaku kerap menyampaikan laporan perkembangan kegiatan kepada aparat kewilayahan. ”Mulai dari laporan setiap kegiatan, pembentukan panitia, kegiatan pembuatan kompos. Namun, tidak ada respons di lapangan,” kata Nana. Padahal, RW-nya termasuk dalam tigapuluh RW yang melaju ke tahapan selanjutnya.
Nana mengungkapkan, dukungan yang diinginkan warganya bukanlah dukungan dalam bentuk materi. ”Kami hanya meminta, misalnya, kalau ada kegiatan, aparat kewilayahan datang dan terjun ke lapangan bersama warga. Hal itu akan sangat berarti,” ujar Nana.
Menanggapi hal itu, Wakil Wali Kota Bandung Ayi Vivananda mengatakan, BGC adalah program pemerintah dan masyarakat. ”Jika memang ada aparat kewilayahan yang tidak mendukung tentu akan dipanggil agar memberikan
dukungan sesuai dengan kapasitas dan kewenangannya. Kami berharap agar warga atau ketua RW yang merasa tidak didukung oleh aparat kewilayahan, dapat melaporkan disertai identitas yang jelas, baik pelapor maupun terlapor,” ujarnya. (A-188/A-147)*** Read More......
Pupuk BioPoska berasal dari sampah organik tanaman di Kebun Raya Bogor
senin, 18 Mei 2009 - 16:27 wib
LIPI Luncurkan Pupuk BioPoska
Rachmatunnisa - Okezone
BOGOR - LIPI tak pernah berhenti berinovasi untuk memanfaatkan potensi lingkungan. Bersamaan dengan perayaan HUT Kebun Raya Bogor (KRB) ke-192, LIPI meluncurkan produk pupuk BioPoska.
"Pupuk BioPoska dibuat dari semua sampah organik yang berasal dari tumbuhan di KRB. Dengan begitu, selain membuat lingkungan KRB bersih, sampah yang dikumpulkan tak terbuang sia-sia namun dikembalikan lagi manfaatnya untuk kesuburan tanaman," kata Endang Sukara, Deputi Kepala Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Hayati LIPI saat ditemui Okezone pada HUT KRB, Senin (18/5/2009).............
Pupuk organik BioPoska merupakan kompos penghambat nitrogen dan bebas bahan kimia yang berhasil dikembangkan KRB. Keistimewaan pupuk ini adalah murni olahan dari ranting, daun dan akar yang berguguran dari KRB.
Sampah ini kemudian difermentasi secara alami sehingga menghasilkan kompos bernilai tinggi. Dari 87 hektar luas lahan KRB, berpotensi menghasilkan empat hingga enam ton pupuk organik per harinya. Hasilnya kemudian dimanfaatkan kembali untuk penyuburan dan kelestarian KRB.
"Pupuk organik dari kompos KRB ini benar-benar bebas dari unsur kimiawi, sehingga sangat baik dalam mengikat nitrogen dan menyuburkan tanaman," kata Endang.
Menurutnya, pada pupuk buatan pabrik umumnya selalu terdapat campuran bahan kimia sehingga selalu ada efek samping dalam penggunaannya. Seperti tanah retak-retak ketika musim kemarau atau menjadi sangat becek ketika musim hujan. Hal ini sedikit demi sedikit akan menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan. Sedangkan pupuk organik murni bisa menyesuaikan kondisi cuaca serta ramah lingkungan.
Ketika ditanya apakah pupuk ini akan juga dipasarkan ke masyarakat, Endang mengatakan bahwa untuk kebutuhan KRB sendiri saja nampaknya masih kurang. Namun begitu, LIPI mengedukasi masyarakat tentang teknologi pembuatan pupuk organik ini.
"Meski kami tidak memasarkannya untuk kepentingan di luar KRB, namun masyarakat luas bisa mengadaptasi teknologi ini, sehingga manfaat pengelolaan sampah untuk pelestarian tanaman bisa dirasakan oleh banyak kalangan,"
Selain itu Endang pun mengatakan perlunya memberikan edukasi tentang manfaat tanaman kepada masyarakat. Hal ini sudah sejak lama dilakukan oleh LIPI. Menurutnya, jika masyarakat sudah tahu manfaat yang akan mereka peroleh, mereka akan tergerak sendiri untuk melestarikan tanaman dan tinggal memetik hasilnya untuk mereka sendiri dan juga generasi yang akan datang.
(srn) Read More......
LIPI Luncurkan Pupuk BioPoska
Rachmatunnisa - Okezone
BOGOR - LIPI tak pernah berhenti berinovasi untuk memanfaatkan potensi lingkungan. Bersamaan dengan perayaan HUT Kebun Raya Bogor (KRB) ke-192, LIPI meluncurkan produk pupuk BioPoska.
"Pupuk BioPoska dibuat dari semua sampah organik yang berasal dari tumbuhan di KRB. Dengan begitu, selain membuat lingkungan KRB bersih, sampah yang dikumpulkan tak terbuang sia-sia namun dikembalikan lagi manfaatnya untuk kesuburan tanaman," kata Endang Sukara, Deputi Kepala Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Hayati LIPI saat ditemui Okezone pada HUT KRB, Senin (18/5/2009).............
Pupuk organik BioPoska merupakan kompos penghambat nitrogen dan bebas bahan kimia yang berhasil dikembangkan KRB. Keistimewaan pupuk ini adalah murni olahan dari ranting, daun dan akar yang berguguran dari KRB.
Sampah ini kemudian difermentasi secara alami sehingga menghasilkan kompos bernilai tinggi. Dari 87 hektar luas lahan KRB, berpotensi menghasilkan empat hingga enam ton pupuk organik per harinya. Hasilnya kemudian dimanfaatkan kembali untuk penyuburan dan kelestarian KRB.
"Pupuk organik dari kompos KRB ini benar-benar bebas dari unsur kimiawi, sehingga sangat baik dalam mengikat nitrogen dan menyuburkan tanaman," kata Endang.
Menurutnya, pada pupuk buatan pabrik umumnya selalu terdapat campuran bahan kimia sehingga selalu ada efek samping dalam penggunaannya. Seperti tanah retak-retak ketika musim kemarau atau menjadi sangat becek ketika musim hujan. Hal ini sedikit demi sedikit akan menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan. Sedangkan pupuk organik murni bisa menyesuaikan kondisi cuaca serta ramah lingkungan.
Ketika ditanya apakah pupuk ini akan juga dipasarkan ke masyarakat, Endang mengatakan bahwa untuk kebutuhan KRB sendiri saja nampaknya masih kurang. Namun begitu, LIPI mengedukasi masyarakat tentang teknologi pembuatan pupuk organik ini.
"Meski kami tidak memasarkannya untuk kepentingan di luar KRB, namun masyarakat luas bisa mengadaptasi teknologi ini, sehingga manfaat pengelolaan sampah untuk pelestarian tanaman bisa dirasakan oleh banyak kalangan,"
Selain itu Endang pun mengatakan perlunya memberikan edukasi tentang manfaat tanaman kepada masyarakat. Hal ini sudah sejak lama dilakukan oleh LIPI. Menurutnya, jika masyarakat sudah tahu manfaat yang akan mereka peroleh, mereka akan tergerak sendiri untuk melestarikan tanaman dan tinggal memetik hasilnya untuk mereka sendiri dan juga generasi yang akan datang.
(srn) Read More......
Senin, 21 September 2009
DPKLTS Pessimistic about the Local Regulations of Waste
Pikiran Rakyat
Thursday, June 18, 2009, 13:39:00
BANDUNG, (PRLM) .- Board of Forestry and Environmental Observer Tatar Sunda (DPKLTS) pessimistic about the draft regulations on waste Jabar. DPKLTS Expert Council, Sobirin Supardiono, states, which will be raperda regulations would only be a 'paper tiger'.
Sobirin explained, currently about 90 percent of West Java have not categorized care about garbage. even the government was not seriously tackle the problem of garbage ............
According to him, waste management is inseparable from the three factors, namely political will, education, and culture. Political will for the problem, said Sobirin, the local government to show it to deal with waste problems is comprehensive.
Similarly, in education, none of the subjects on how waste management in schools. Sobirin said, people were already accustomed to not be burdened with the affairs of garbage, because they're already paying fees.
"Ideally, waste management starting from the manufacturers. The sorting rubbish is piled high will cost. Ngangkut Once trash from TPS to TPA could spend USD 500 thousand per truck,''said Sobirin, Thursday (18 / 6).
According to him, the implementation plan regulation of the waste is very good. However, based on experience, the umbrella law relating to the environment will only be a 'paper tiger' is missing.
When implementation in the field, according to Sobirin, usually knock sectoral ego of each city and district. Cities and districts, according to him, often ignore the legal umbrella of the administration rolled out. (A-132/kur) *** Read More......
Thursday, June 18, 2009, 13:39:00
BANDUNG, (PRLM) .- Board of Forestry and Environmental Observer Tatar Sunda (DPKLTS) pessimistic about the draft regulations on waste Jabar. DPKLTS Expert Council, Sobirin Supardiono, states, which will be raperda regulations would only be a 'paper tiger'.
Sobirin explained, currently about 90 percent of West Java have not categorized care about garbage. even the government was not seriously tackle the problem of garbage ............
According to him, waste management is inseparable from the three factors, namely political will, education, and culture. Political will for the problem, said Sobirin, the local government to show it to deal with waste problems is comprehensive.
Similarly, in education, none of the subjects on how waste management in schools. Sobirin said, people were already accustomed to not be burdened with the affairs of garbage, because they're already paying fees.
"Ideally, waste management starting from the manufacturers. The sorting rubbish is piled high will cost. Ngangkut Once trash from TPS to TPA could spend USD 500 thousand per truck,''said Sobirin, Thursday (18 / 6).
According to him, the implementation plan regulation of the waste is very good. However, based on experience, the umbrella law relating to the environment will only be a 'paper tiger' is missing.
When implementation in the field, according to Sobirin, usually knock sectoral ego of each city and district. Cities and districts, according to him, often ignore the legal umbrella of the administration rolled out. (A-132/kur) *** Read More......
Is the Best Method PLTSa
Located in the hotel Santika, Saturday (12 / 5), held a seminar and workshop waste management. Activities held ekuintek field DPD PKS Kota Bandung in a series Milad-9 MCC to this, trying to find a solution about the problem of garbage in the city of Bandung.
Representatives of NGOs, CBOs, academics, students, press and practitioners gathered to discuss the problem of garbage in the city of Bandung. Present as speakers, Drs. Husni Muttaqien Chairman DPRD Kota Bandung, Director of DPKLTS Prof.Dr. Mubiyar Purwasasmita, Dr. Asep Warlan, SH., MH. Staff Lecturer Faculty of Law University of Parahyangan, Dr. Faculty Faculty Taufikurahman Sith ITB, representatives from the PD Kebersihan and Head of Bandung BPLHD Office. As a moderator of one-day seminar was Dr. Setiadi Yazid Ekuintek Head of DPD PKS Kota Bandung and Haru Suandharu, S.Si., M.Sc. Chairman of the DPD PKS Kota Bandung
Legality waste management
Chairman of the Parliament of Bandung, Drs. Muttaqien Husni said, the legal umbrella of waste management are closely related to K-3 law. But the obstacles faced in the field is the problem of implementation of the implementation of the law itself. The government must do a minimum service standard for municipal waste management. These standards include a simple, concrete, and accountable.
Waste management principles that must be the city government includes four factors. First find the best method, the legality, evaluation of local regulations, budget financing and third-party sharing is the third and fourth implementation paradigm education community about waste management.
Discussion workshop recommendations are as follows. First, whether PLTSa is the best method? Second, encourage the establishment of minimum service standards and the third who do?
greater Biotechnology Project
Prof. Dr. Mubiar Purwasasmita, Director DPKLTS said environment-based waste management is a complete solution. The best method is not enough, there need civilizing process in society. Technology for processing environment-friendly garbage already available in Indonesia. One of them with waste management that can be used again in other areas.
Mainly used for compost material, which is very useful for soil fertility. Handling of waste for composting can be started from the smallest of the family environment.
Environmentalists are sometimes defeated by the interests of the project, the largest real project is to strengthen bio-business. So projects should be based agricultural biotechnology is a priority.
Environment friendly
There are a lot of potential waste if the method is used correctly. One method is to tackle waste combustion or burning, that potential will be lost to heat, whereas we know that heat is the process of disposal or energy inefficiency.
Handling should be started from home with kompos.Aktvitas made of plastic waste recycling involves many parties and has economic value is very large and not recorded. If the plastic is burned, then we lose other than a high economic value, is also a high potential to pollute the environment with substances that are harmful to the environment and health, for example Dioxine, a substance that could potentially trigger cancer.
Recommendation is that how the waste is in the community can be used again to restore the land that currently is not fertile anymore.
PLTSa is a step to accelerate the flow of energy, while the composting is to help the ecosystem cycle better. Culture should be directed to make waste into energy better. With the improvement of the ecosystem will be more beneficial for the long term, he said. Faculty Faculty Taufikurahman Sith ITB
No need referendum
In the Constitution Article 28, the people given the right to a healthy environment. Accountability and Responsibility. Garbage is the responsibility of government is not public. Intersektor approach, is set at every level with their respective priorities.
Provide incentives to communities that participate in the management and reduction of waste production. Conduct scientific-based approach. Regional institutions should be able to build a society that observes the suppression of garbage produsksi environmentally unfriendly as plastics and the like ..
Provide recommendations for making program crash, state emergency Bandung garbage, in the medium term it is necessary to waste draft law.
The referendum is a very terrible forces can even diseterakan the revolution, whether the referendum eligible for garbage? Ask the experts, with the other methods of public hearing and the like. Spare until the referendum to appear discourse waste problems.
It is possible to do a class action or leggal standing problem of waste management or the lightest is the public test. But in Indonesia the public testing usually only used for ceremonial. The ends of government is in control organizer, said Dr. Asep Warlan, SH., MH.
President of PD Kebersihan Bandung invited into one of the speakers could not come, finally represented one of the staff of the PD. Kebersihan of Bandung. aw Read More......
Located in the hotel Santika, Saturday (12 / 5), held a seminar and workshop waste management. Activities held ekuintek field DPD PKS Kota Bandung in a series Milad-9 MCC to this, trying to find a solution about the problem of garbage in the city of Bandung.
Representatives of NGOs, CBOs, academics, students, press and practitioners gathered to discuss the problem of garbage in the city of Bandung. Present as speakers, Drs. Husni Muttaqien Chairman DPRD Kota Bandung, Director of DPKLTS Prof.Dr. Mubiyar Purwasasmita, Dr. Asep Warlan, SH., MH. Staff Lecturer Faculty of Law University of Parahyangan, Dr. Faculty Faculty Taufikurahman Sith ITB, representatives from the PD Kebersihan and Head of Bandung BPLHD Office. As a moderator of one-day seminar was Dr. Setiadi Yazid Ekuintek Head of DPD PKS Kota Bandung and Haru Suandharu, S.Si., M.Sc. Chairman of the DPD PKS Kota Bandung
Legality waste management
Chairman of the Parliament of Bandung, Drs. Muttaqien Husni said, the legal umbrella of waste management are closely related to K-3 law. But the obstacles faced in the field is the problem of implementation of the implementation of the law itself. The government must do a minimum service standard for municipal waste management. These standards include a simple, concrete, and accountable.
Waste management principles that must be the city government includes four factors. First find the best method, the legality, evaluation of local regulations, budget financing and third-party sharing is the third and fourth implementation paradigm education community about waste management.
Discussion workshop recommendations are as follows. First, whether PLTSa is the best method? Second, encourage the establishment of minimum service standards and the third who do?
greater Biotechnology Project
Prof. Dr. Mubiar Purwasasmita, Director DPKLTS said environment-based waste management is a complete solution. The best method is not enough, there need civilizing process in society. Technology for processing environment-friendly garbage already available in Indonesia. One of them with waste management that can be used again in other areas.
Mainly used for compost material, which is very useful for soil fertility. Handling of waste for composting can be started from the smallest of the family environment.
Environmentalists are sometimes defeated by the interests of the project, the largest real project is to strengthen bio-business. So projects should be based agricultural biotechnology is a priority.
Environment friendly
There are a lot of potential waste if the method is used correctly. One method is to tackle waste combustion or burning, that potential will be lost to heat, whereas we know that heat is the process of disposal or energy inefficiency.
Handling should be started from home with kompos.Aktvitas made of plastic waste recycling involves many parties and has economic value is very large and not recorded. If the plastic is burned, then we lose other than a high economic value, is also a high potential to pollute the environment with substances that are harmful to the environment and health, for example Dioxine, a substance that could potentially trigger cancer.
Recommendation is that how the waste is in the community can be used again to restore the land that currently is not fertile anymore.
PLTSa is a step to accelerate the flow of energy, while the composting is to help the ecosystem cycle better. Culture should be directed to make waste into energy better. With the improvement of the ecosystem will be more beneficial for the long term, he said. Faculty Faculty Taufikurahman Sith ITB
No need referendum
In the Constitution Article 28, the people given the right to a healthy environment. Accountability and Responsibility. Garbage is the responsibility of government is not public. Intersektor approach, is set at every level with their respective priorities.
Provide incentives to communities that participate in the management and reduction of waste production. Conduct scientific-based approach. Regional institutions should be able to build a society that observes the suppression of garbage produsksi environmentally unfriendly as plastics and the like ..
Provide recommendations for making program crash, state emergency Bandung garbage, in the medium term it is necessary to waste draft law.
The referendum is a very terrible forces can even diseterakan the revolution, whether the referendum eligible for garbage? Ask the experts, with the other methods of public hearing and the like. Spare until the referendum to appear discourse waste problems.
It is possible to do a class action or leggal standing problem of waste management or the lightest is the public test. But in Indonesia the public testing usually only used for ceremonial. The ends of government is in control organizer, said Dr. Asep Warlan, SH., MH.
President of PD Kebersihan Bandung invited into one of the speakers could not come, finally represented one of the staff of the PD. Kebersihan of Bandung. aw Read More......
Indonesia Go Organic in 2014
Sunday, July 26, 2009 06:10 pm, Pamanukan: Minister of Agriculture, Anton Apriantono ensure that by 2014, Indonesia will go organic. For to go organic, has prepared a 42 factory ready to produce organic fertilizer for 1.05 tons of fertilizer per year.
This statement is expressed Anton after fertilizer plant inaugurated in Pamanukan, West Java, Saturday (25 / 7). Anton confirmed intensively, the Department of Agriculture will develop industry-based organic fertilizers to meet the needs of technology in the country.
Anton also confirmed Indonesia will be ready to produce fertilizer to farmers in accordance with the requirements. As a result in 2014, Indonesia no longer experiencing scarcity of fertilizers. (RAS) Read More......, Pamanukan: Minister of Agriculture, Anton Apriantono ensure that by 2014, Indonesia will go organic. For to go organic, has prepared a 42 factory ready to produce organic fertilizer for 1.05 tons of fertilizer per year.
This statement is expressed Anton after fertilizer plant inaugurated in Pamanukan, West Java, Saturday (25 / 7). Anton confirmed intensively, the Department of Agriculture will develop industry-based organic fertilizers to meet the needs of technology in the country.
Anton also confirmed Indonesia will be ready to produce fertilizer to farmers in accordance with the requirements. As a result in 2014, Indonesia no longer experiencing scarcity of fertilizers. (RAS) Read More......
World Bank and the Government of the Cimahi City visited focal
More than one month in this blog is not up date, in addition to focal activities - each of which had personal family all busy with school holiday activities of children. Mid july focal resumed his routine activities to socializing to the citizens to go to community-based waste management. Likewise with activities in TPS (temporary garbage dump) in GCA. Sorting and composting organic waste is also seeing a new phase in which organic waste piled up waiting for decomposing after some time neglected.
Less than two weeks the compost is harvested twice with an amazing volume of 16 bags of 50 kg size (- / + 500kg). A compost pile should be harvested one week earlier, because of school holidays then the harvest dirapel 2 weeks later).
A new development, this time in the TPS GCA guest arrival of high school students MUTHAHARI. On July, 30 2009 driven by teachers to take more care and want to see first hand how waste in the process of the TPS (temporary landfill) GCA. 200 students and teachers enliven the atmosphere of the housing complex Griya Cempaka Arum is usually quiet visitors ........
After visiting high school students on August , 11 2009 back focal arrival of a visitor class International, an English, a consultant of an Environmental agency GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY. ROB Craig in accompanied by several representatives of city government and one observer from Jakarta neighborhood. Rob Craig surveying and many questions; from start ideas, technical and non technical to the cost of daily operations, referred to how much attention and government support. Pretty amazed Mr.craig know all focal activists are full of lean volunteers with activities that have been able to significantly reduce waste, socialization, and discipline officers.


Not long ago Mr.Craig left the GCA followed the arrival a group of 3 people (1 gentleman and 2 ladies) they are officials of government from the Cimahi Environmental Health and Hygiene Office (DPLK). They was deliberately sent by the city government to conduct study Cimahi comparison with activities in GCA. They plan dated August, 19 2009 will come with people of cimahi for sharing experiences and exchanging knowledge also experience to overcome urban garbage.

Hopefully this will be good for all of us good citizens of Bandung and Cimahi to lead to radical changes in the waste paradigm supported by the city government both local and long distance. Read More......
Less than two weeks the compost is harvested twice with an amazing volume of 16 bags of 50 kg size (- / + 500kg). A compost pile should be harvested one week earlier, because of school holidays then the harvest dirapel 2 weeks later).
A new development, this time in the TPS GCA guest arrival of high school students MUTHAHARI. On July, 30 2009 driven by teachers to take more care and want to see first hand how waste in the process of the TPS (temporary landfill) GCA. 200 students and teachers enliven the atmosphere of the housing complex Griya Cempaka Arum is usually quiet visitors ........
After visiting high school students on August , 11 2009 back focal arrival of a visitor class International, an English, a consultant of an Environmental agency GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY. ROB Craig in accompanied by several representatives of city government and one observer from Jakarta neighborhood. Rob Craig surveying and many questions; from start ideas, technical and non technical to the cost of daily operations, referred to how much attention and government support. Pretty amazed Mr.craig know all focal activists are full of lean volunteers with activities that have been able to significantly reduce waste, socialization, and discipline officers.
Not long ago Mr.Craig left the GCA followed the arrival a group of 3 people (1 gentleman and 2 ladies) they are officials of government from the Cimahi Environmental Health and Hygiene Office (DPLK). They was deliberately sent by the city government to conduct study Cimahi comparison with activities in GCA. They plan dated August, 19 2009 will come with people of cimahi for sharing experiences and exchanging knowledge also experience to overcome urban garbage.
Hopefully this will be good for all of us good citizens of Bandung and Cimahi to lead to radical changes in the waste paradigm supported by the city government both local and long distance. Read More......
Integrated Farming Systems and Pollution Prevention Initiatives Stimulate Co-Learning Extension Strategies
from :
October 2006
The 1996 Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) brought the most dramatic changes to pesticide regulation since the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), including the cancellation or partial ban of several economically important organophosphate (OP) insecticides (Van Steenwyk & Zalom, 2005). Numerous alternative pest management strategies have been advanced by researchers, some new and some pre-dating the invention of OPs. Pheromone mating disruption, novel and narrow-spectrum insecticides, and biological control (in its various forms) have been demonstrated for many crops (Grafton-Cardwell, Godfrey, Chaney, & Bentley, 2005; Mills & Daane, 2005; Welter et al., 2005).
In theory, the elimination of OP pesticides should not economically disrupt agriculture (Metcalfe et al., 2002), but these alternatives challenge conventional transfer-of-technology Extension pedagogies. Whereas OP insecticides are remarkably simple to use, alternative pest management strategies are more complicated and rely more heavily on expert, ecologically based knowledge. Inserting system-oriented, ecologically based practices into conventional transfer-of-technology Extension programs has a poor record of user adoption (Röling & Wagemakers, 1998)......
In this article, we situate these alternative pest management strategies within the context of the extension of integrated farming systems while specifically analyzing Extension activities of agro-environmental partnerships in California. We argue that their organizational structure, which facilitates greater participation, has been key to their success. The shift from a "transfer of technology" model to one that includes more co-learning, facilitation, and emphasis on decision-making making can help all Extension stakeholders and improve Extension's service delivery.
This article draws from a major study of California's agro-environmental partnerships, based on 3 years of field work interviewing over 230 growers, consultants, Extensionists, scientists, regulators, and grower organization staff (Warner 2004), to highlight implications for University of California (UC) Extension practices as California agriculture moves "beyond organophosphates" (Van Steenwyk & Zalom, 2005).
Agricultural Pollution and Agro-Environmental Partnerships
Agriculture is the greatest source of non-point water pollution in the U.S. (U.S. Geological Survey, 1999), and it is under significant political pressure to address this problem, especially in highly urbanized states like California. In response, Extensionists are paying increased attention to helping growers reduce the environmental impacts of agricultural production.
In 1993, the National Research Council's Soil and Water Quality: An Agenda for Agriculture recommended that integrated farming system plans should become the basis of federal, state, and local soil and water quality programs. It argued that in "systems-level approaches to analyzing agricultural production systems . . . inherent links exist among soil quality conservation, improvements in input use efficiency, increases in resistance to erosion and runoff, and the wider use of buffer zones (107)." Alternative soil, water, and farmscape management strategies have the potential to reduce the need for and environmental impact of insecticides, but an integrated systems approach places greater demands on Extension practice and grower learning.
California uses about 25% of the nation's pesticides (Aspelin & Grube, 1999; California Department of Pesticide Regulation, 1999), so the FQPA posed a particularly serious threat to agricultural production here. In the immediate aftermath of its passage, federal, state, and private foundation dollars funded agro-environmental partnerships in California, defined as: a multi-year collaboration between scientists, growers, and a growers' organization to research and implement innovative, field-scale, agroecologically informed practices. These funding agencies created semi-privatized Extension projects to develop and extend alternative, integrated farming system practices.
Grower organizations (whether local, informal networks of growers, or statewide commodity boards) have had an active interest in Extension practice for decades, but the threat of OP loss stimulated many of them to become more active partners with Cooperative Extension to develop and promote alternatives to conventional pesticides. Over the past 15 years, 32 partnerships have emerged to develop alternative practices in 16 California commodities, engaging over 500 growers and 92 University of California scientists, Extension specialists, and farm advisors (Warner, 2006a).
Agro-environmental partnerships do not seek to eliminate agrochemical use, but rather to rationalize it according to ecological principles and help growers gain confidence in OP alternatives. Participating growers avoid ecologically disruptive pesticides to prevent pollution by using pheromone-based mating disruption; novel, narrow-spectrum insecticides; and biological control strategies to the extent economically possible. Farm advisors deploy some traditional Extension practices, such as field days and newsletters, but place additional emphasis on co-learning models, fostering social networks of innovation to do research on and exchange information about ecologically based alternative pest management strategies. Farm advisors educate growers about the rapidly developing regulatory requirements associated with pesticides and facilitate field-derived knowledge exchange about agroecological pest management techniques among growers and consultants (Table 1).
More important than individual alternative pest management techniques is the emphasis partnerships place on alternative decision-making rules. Partnerships engage growers and consultants in learning more about the ecological relationships in farming systems, how to integrate the components of their farming system (e.g., how irrigation management can influence pest pressure), and how to make decisions according to environmental as well as economic criteria. This strategy requires greater participation by growers and their consultants in the educational activities of Extension than is common with the transfer-of-technology model (Warner, 2006b).
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October 2006
The 1996 Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) brought the most dramatic changes to pesticide regulation since the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), including the cancellation or partial ban of several economically important organophosphate (OP) insecticides (Van Steenwyk & Zalom, 2005). Numerous alternative pest management strategies have been advanced by researchers, some new and some pre-dating the invention of OPs. Pheromone mating disruption, novel and narrow-spectrum insecticides, and biological control (in its various forms) have been demonstrated for many crops (Grafton-Cardwell, Godfrey, Chaney, & Bentley, 2005; Mills & Daane, 2005; Welter et al., 2005).
In theory, the elimination of OP pesticides should not economically disrupt agriculture (Metcalfe et al., 2002), but these alternatives challenge conventional transfer-of-technology Extension pedagogies. Whereas OP insecticides are remarkably simple to use, alternative pest management strategies are more complicated and rely more heavily on expert, ecologically based knowledge. Inserting system-oriented, ecologically based practices into conventional transfer-of-technology Extension programs has a poor record of user adoption (Röling & Wagemakers, 1998)......
In this article, we situate these alternative pest management strategies within the context of the extension of integrated farming systems while specifically analyzing Extension activities of agro-environmental partnerships in California. We argue that their organizational structure, which facilitates greater participation, has been key to their success. The shift from a "transfer of technology" model to one that includes more co-learning, facilitation, and emphasis on decision-making making can help all Extension stakeholders and improve Extension's service delivery.
This article draws from a major study of California's agro-environmental partnerships, based on 3 years of field work interviewing over 230 growers, consultants, Extensionists, scientists, regulators, and grower organization staff (Warner 2004), to highlight implications for University of California (UC) Extension practices as California agriculture moves "beyond organophosphates" (Van Steenwyk & Zalom, 2005).
Agricultural Pollution and Agro-Environmental Partnerships
Agriculture is the greatest source of non-point water pollution in the U.S. (U.S. Geological Survey, 1999), and it is under significant political pressure to address this problem, especially in highly urbanized states like California. In response, Extensionists are paying increased attention to helping growers reduce the environmental impacts of agricultural production.
In 1993, the National Research Council's Soil and Water Quality: An Agenda for Agriculture recommended that integrated farming system plans should become the basis of federal, state, and local soil and water quality programs. It argued that in "systems-level approaches to analyzing agricultural production systems . . . inherent links exist among soil quality conservation, improvements in input use efficiency, increases in resistance to erosion and runoff, and the wider use of buffer zones (107)." Alternative soil, water, and farmscape management strategies have the potential to reduce the need for and environmental impact of insecticides, but an integrated systems approach places greater demands on Extension practice and grower learning.
California uses about 25% of the nation's pesticides (Aspelin & Grube, 1999; California Department of Pesticide Regulation, 1999), so the FQPA posed a particularly serious threat to agricultural production here. In the immediate aftermath of its passage, federal, state, and private foundation dollars funded agro-environmental partnerships in California, defined as: a multi-year collaboration between scientists, growers, and a growers' organization to research and implement innovative, field-scale, agroecologically informed practices. These funding agencies created semi-privatized Extension projects to develop and extend alternative, integrated farming system practices.
Grower organizations (whether local, informal networks of growers, or statewide commodity boards) have had an active interest in Extension practice for decades, but the threat of OP loss stimulated many of them to become more active partners with Cooperative Extension to develop and promote alternatives to conventional pesticides. Over the past 15 years, 32 partnerships have emerged to develop alternative practices in 16 California commodities, engaging over 500 growers and 92 University of California scientists, Extension specialists, and farm advisors (Warner, 2006a).
Agro-environmental partnerships do not seek to eliminate agrochemical use, but rather to rationalize it according to ecological principles and help growers gain confidence in OP alternatives. Participating growers avoid ecologically disruptive pesticides to prevent pollution by using pheromone-based mating disruption; novel, narrow-spectrum insecticides; and biological control strategies to the extent economically possible. Farm advisors deploy some traditional Extension practices, such as field days and newsletters, but place additional emphasis on co-learning models, fostering social networks of innovation to do research on and exchange information about ecologically based alternative pest management strategies. Farm advisors educate growers about the rapidly developing regulatory requirements associated with pesticides and facilitate field-derived knowledge exchange about agroecological pest management techniques among growers and consultants (Table 1).
More important than individual alternative pest management techniques is the emphasis partnerships place on alternative decision-making rules. Partnerships engage growers and consultants in learning more about the ecological relationships in farming systems, how to integrate the components of their farming system (e.g., how irrigation management can influence pest pressure), and how to make decisions according to environmental as well as economic criteria. This strategy requires greater participation by growers and their consultants in the educational activities of Extension than is common with the transfer-of-technology model (Warner, 2006b).
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Indonesia Go Organik pada 2014
Minggu, 26 Juli 2009 06:10 WIB, Pamanukan: Menteri Pertanian, Anton Apriantono memastikan pada 2014, Indonesia akan go organik. Untuk menuju go organik, telah disiapkan 42 pabrik yang siap menghasilkan pupuk organik sebesar 1,05 ton pupuk per tahun.
Pernyataan ini diungkapkan Anton usai meresmikan pabrik pupuk di Pamanukan, Jawa Barat, Sabtu (25/7). Anton menegaskan secara intensif, Departemen Pertanian bakal mengembangkan industri pupuk organik berbasis teknologi guna memenuhi kebutuhan di Tanah Air.
Anton juga menegaskan Indonesia akan siap menghasilkan pupuk hingga sesuai dengan kebutuhan petani. Alhasil di 2014, Indonesia tidak lagi mengalami kelangkaan pupuk.(RAS) Read More......, Pamanukan: Menteri Pertanian, Anton Apriantono memastikan pada 2014, Indonesia akan go organik. Untuk menuju go organik, telah disiapkan 42 pabrik yang siap menghasilkan pupuk organik sebesar 1,05 ton pupuk per tahun.
Pernyataan ini diungkapkan Anton usai meresmikan pabrik pupuk di Pamanukan, Jawa Barat, Sabtu (25/7). Anton menegaskan secara intensif, Departemen Pertanian bakal mengembangkan industri pupuk organik berbasis teknologi guna memenuhi kebutuhan di Tanah Air.
Anton juga menegaskan Indonesia akan siap menghasilkan pupuk hingga sesuai dengan kebutuhan petani. Alhasil di 2014, Indonesia tidak lagi mengalami kelangkaan pupuk.(RAS) Read More......
Minggu, 20 September 2009
Apakah PLTSa Metode Terbaik
dari :
Bertempat di hotel Santika, Sabtu (12/5), berlangsung seminar dan lokakarya pengelolaan sampah. Kegiatan yang digelar bidang ekuintek DPD PKS Kota Bandung dalam rangkaian Milad PKS ke-9 ini, berusaha mencari solusi tentang permasalahan sampah di Kota Bandung.
Perwakilan LSM, Ormas, Akademisi, mahasiswa, pers dan para praktisi berkumpul untuk mendiskusikan masalah sampah di Kota Bandung. Hadir sebagai pembicara, Drs. Husni Muttaqien Ketua DPRD Kota Bandung, Prof. Dr. Mubiyar Purwasasmita Direktur DPKLTS, Dr. Asep Warlan, SH., MH. Staff Pengajar Fakultas Hukum Universitas Parahyangan, Dr. Taufikurahman Staf Pengajar Fakultas SITH ITB, perwakilan dari PD Kebersihan Kota Bandung dan Kepala Dinas BPLHD Kota Bandung. Sebagai moderator seminar sehari tersebut adalah Dr. Setiadi Yazid Ketua Bidang Ekuintek DPD PKS Kota Bandung dan Haru Suandharu, S.Si., M.Si. Ketua DPD PKS Kota Bandung
Legalitas pengelolaan sampah
Ketua DPRD kota Bandung, Drs. Husni Muttaqien mengatakan, payung hukum pengelolaan sampah sangat terkait dengan Perda K-3. Namun kendala yang dihadapi di lapangan adalah masalah implementasi dari pelaksanaan Perda itu sendiri. Pemerintah wajib melakukan standarisasi pelayanan minimal bagi pengelolaan sampah kota. Standar ini diantaranya adalah sederhana, kongkrit, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.
Prinsip pengelolaan sampah yang harus dilakukan pemerintah kota meliputi empat faktor. Pertama temukan metode terbaik, kedua legalitas, evaluasi perda, ketiga pembiayaan APBD dan sharing pihak ketiga dan keempat adalah implementasi pendidikan paradigma masyarakat tentang pengelolaan sampah.
Rekomendasi bahasan lokakarya adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, apakah PLTSa adalah metode terbaik? Kedua, mendorong terwujudnya standar pelayanan minimal dan ketiga siapa yang melaksanakannya?
Proyek Bioteknologi lebih besar
Prof. Dr Mubiar Purwasasmita, Direktur DPKLTS mengatakan pengelolaan sampah berbasis lingkungan adalah solusi yang paripurna. Metode terbaik saja tidak cukup, perlu ada proses pembudayaan dalam masyarakat. Teknologi untuk mengolah sampah yang ramah lingkungan sudah tersedia di Indonesia. Salah satunya dengan manajemen sampah sehingga dapat dipergunakan kembali di bidang-bidang lain.
Terutama digunakan untuk bahan pupuk kompos, yang sangat berguna bagi kesuburan tanah. Penanganan sampah untuk kompos dapat dimulai dari lingkungan terkecil yaitu keluarga.
Pecinta lingkungan terkadang dikalahkan oleh kepentingan proyek, yang sejatinya proyek terbesar adalah memperkuat bio bisnis. Jadi seharusnya proyek-proyek pertanian berbasis bioteknologi menjadi prioritas.
Ramah lingkungan
Terdapat banyak potensi dari sampah yang seandainya metode yang dipakai benar. Salah satu metode menanggulangi sampah adalah combustion atau pembakaran, potensi-potensi itu akan hilang menjadi panas, sedangkan kita tahu bahwa panas adalah proses pembuangan atau inefisiensi energi.
Penanganan sebaiknya dimulai dari rumah dengan dijadikan kompos.Aktvitas recycling sampah plastik melibatkan banyak pihak dan memiliki nilai ekonomi yang sangat besar dan belum terdata. Jika plastik ini dibakar, maka selain kita kehilangan nilai ekonomis yang tinggi, juga berpotensi tinggi untuk mencemari lingkungan dengan zat-zat yang sangat berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan, misalnya Dioxine, zat yang berpotensi memicu kanker.
Rekomendasinya adalah agar bagaimana sampah yang ada di masyarakat dapat digunakan kembali untuk mengembalikan kondisi tanah yang saat ini sudah tidak subur lagi.
PLTSa adalah suatu tahap untuk mempercepat aliran energi, sedangkan dengan komposting adalah membantu siklus ekosistem yang lebih baik. Kebudayaan masyarakat harus diarahkan menjadikan sampah menjadi energi yang lebih baik. Dengan perbaikan ekosistem yang dilakukan akan lebih menguntungkan untuk jangka panjang, kata Dr. Taufikurahman Staf Pengajar Fakultas SITH ITB
Tidak perlu referendum
Dalam UUD pasal 28, rakyat diberi hak untuk mendapat lingkungan yang sehat. Accountability dan Responsibility. Sampah adalah tanggung jawab pemerintah bukan masyarakat. Pendekatan intersektor, diatur pada setiap level dengan prioritas masing-masing.
Berikan insentif kepada masyarakat yang berperan dalam pengelolaan dan pengurangan produksi sampah. Lakukan pendekatan yang berbasis keilmuan. Daerah harus dapat membangun kelembagaan masyarakat yang memperhatikan penekanan produsksi sampah yang tidak ramah lingkungan seperti plastik dan sejenisnya..
Memberikan rekomendasi untuk membuat crash programme, nyatakan Bandung dalam keadaan darurat sampah, dalam jangka menengah perlu ada pembuatan Raperda sampah.
Referendum adalah kekuatan yang amat dasyat bahkan dapat diseterakan dengan revolusi, apakah referendum layak untuk sampah? Tanyakan saja ke para ahlinya, dengan metode lainnya public hearing dan sejenisnya. Menyayangkan sampai muncul wacana referendum untuk masalah sampah.
Sangat mungkin melakukan class action atau leggal standing masalah pengelolaan sampah atau yang paling ringan adalah uji publik. Tapi di Indonesia biasanya uji publik hanya digunakan untuk seremonial saja. Ujung-ujungnya adalah penyelenggara pemerintahan pemegang kendali, kata Dr. Asep Warlan, SH., MH.
Direktur utama PD Kebersihan Kota Bandung yang diundang menjadi salah satu pembicara tidak bisa datang, akhirnya diwakili salah satu staf dari PD. Kebersihan Kota Bandung. aw Read More......
Bertempat di hotel Santika, Sabtu (12/5), berlangsung seminar dan lokakarya pengelolaan sampah. Kegiatan yang digelar bidang ekuintek DPD PKS Kota Bandung dalam rangkaian Milad PKS ke-9 ini, berusaha mencari solusi tentang permasalahan sampah di Kota Bandung.
Perwakilan LSM, Ormas, Akademisi, mahasiswa, pers dan para praktisi berkumpul untuk mendiskusikan masalah sampah di Kota Bandung. Hadir sebagai pembicara, Drs. Husni Muttaqien Ketua DPRD Kota Bandung, Prof. Dr. Mubiyar Purwasasmita Direktur DPKLTS, Dr. Asep Warlan, SH., MH. Staff Pengajar Fakultas Hukum Universitas Parahyangan, Dr. Taufikurahman Staf Pengajar Fakultas SITH ITB, perwakilan dari PD Kebersihan Kota Bandung dan Kepala Dinas BPLHD Kota Bandung. Sebagai moderator seminar sehari tersebut adalah Dr. Setiadi Yazid Ketua Bidang Ekuintek DPD PKS Kota Bandung dan Haru Suandharu, S.Si., M.Si. Ketua DPD PKS Kota Bandung
Legalitas pengelolaan sampah
Ketua DPRD kota Bandung, Drs. Husni Muttaqien mengatakan, payung hukum pengelolaan sampah sangat terkait dengan Perda K-3. Namun kendala yang dihadapi di lapangan adalah masalah implementasi dari pelaksanaan Perda itu sendiri. Pemerintah wajib melakukan standarisasi pelayanan minimal bagi pengelolaan sampah kota. Standar ini diantaranya adalah sederhana, kongkrit, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.
Prinsip pengelolaan sampah yang harus dilakukan pemerintah kota meliputi empat faktor. Pertama temukan metode terbaik, kedua legalitas, evaluasi perda, ketiga pembiayaan APBD dan sharing pihak ketiga dan keempat adalah implementasi pendidikan paradigma masyarakat tentang pengelolaan sampah.
Rekomendasi bahasan lokakarya adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, apakah PLTSa adalah metode terbaik? Kedua, mendorong terwujudnya standar pelayanan minimal dan ketiga siapa yang melaksanakannya?
Proyek Bioteknologi lebih besar
Prof. Dr Mubiar Purwasasmita, Direktur DPKLTS mengatakan pengelolaan sampah berbasis lingkungan adalah solusi yang paripurna. Metode terbaik saja tidak cukup, perlu ada proses pembudayaan dalam masyarakat. Teknologi untuk mengolah sampah yang ramah lingkungan sudah tersedia di Indonesia. Salah satunya dengan manajemen sampah sehingga dapat dipergunakan kembali di bidang-bidang lain.
Terutama digunakan untuk bahan pupuk kompos, yang sangat berguna bagi kesuburan tanah. Penanganan sampah untuk kompos dapat dimulai dari lingkungan terkecil yaitu keluarga.
Pecinta lingkungan terkadang dikalahkan oleh kepentingan proyek, yang sejatinya proyek terbesar adalah memperkuat bio bisnis. Jadi seharusnya proyek-proyek pertanian berbasis bioteknologi menjadi prioritas.
Ramah lingkungan
Terdapat banyak potensi dari sampah yang seandainya metode yang dipakai benar. Salah satu metode menanggulangi sampah adalah combustion atau pembakaran, potensi-potensi itu akan hilang menjadi panas, sedangkan kita tahu bahwa panas adalah proses pembuangan atau inefisiensi energi.
Penanganan sebaiknya dimulai dari rumah dengan dijadikan kompos.Aktvitas recycling sampah plastik melibatkan banyak pihak dan memiliki nilai ekonomi yang sangat besar dan belum terdata. Jika plastik ini dibakar, maka selain kita kehilangan nilai ekonomis yang tinggi, juga berpotensi tinggi untuk mencemari lingkungan dengan zat-zat yang sangat berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan, misalnya Dioxine, zat yang berpotensi memicu kanker.
Rekomendasinya adalah agar bagaimana sampah yang ada di masyarakat dapat digunakan kembali untuk mengembalikan kondisi tanah yang saat ini sudah tidak subur lagi.
PLTSa adalah suatu tahap untuk mempercepat aliran energi, sedangkan dengan komposting adalah membantu siklus ekosistem yang lebih baik. Kebudayaan masyarakat harus diarahkan menjadikan sampah menjadi energi yang lebih baik. Dengan perbaikan ekosistem yang dilakukan akan lebih menguntungkan untuk jangka panjang, kata Dr. Taufikurahman Staf Pengajar Fakultas SITH ITB
Tidak perlu referendum
Dalam UUD pasal 28, rakyat diberi hak untuk mendapat lingkungan yang sehat. Accountability dan Responsibility. Sampah adalah tanggung jawab pemerintah bukan masyarakat. Pendekatan intersektor, diatur pada setiap level dengan prioritas masing-masing.
Berikan insentif kepada masyarakat yang berperan dalam pengelolaan dan pengurangan produksi sampah. Lakukan pendekatan yang berbasis keilmuan. Daerah harus dapat membangun kelembagaan masyarakat yang memperhatikan penekanan produsksi sampah yang tidak ramah lingkungan seperti plastik dan sejenisnya..
Memberikan rekomendasi untuk membuat crash programme, nyatakan Bandung dalam keadaan darurat sampah, dalam jangka menengah perlu ada pembuatan Raperda sampah.
Referendum adalah kekuatan yang amat dasyat bahkan dapat diseterakan dengan revolusi, apakah referendum layak untuk sampah? Tanyakan saja ke para ahlinya, dengan metode lainnya public hearing dan sejenisnya. Menyayangkan sampai muncul wacana referendum untuk masalah sampah.
Sangat mungkin melakukan class action atau leggal standing masalah pengelolaan sampah atau yang paling ringan adalah uji publik. Tapi di Indonesia biasanya uji publik hanya digunakan untuk seremonial saja. Ujung-ujungnya adalah penyelenggara pemerintahan pemegang kendali, kata Dr. Asep Warlan, SH., MH.
Direktur utama PD Kebersihan Kota Bandung yang diundang menjadi salah satu pembicara tidak bisa datang, akhirnya diwakili salah satu staf dari PD. Kebersihan Kota Bandung. aw Read More......
DPKLTS Pesimis Terhadap Perda Tentang Persampahan
Pikiran Rakyat
Kamis, 18 Juni 2009 , 13:39:00
BANDUNG, (PRLM).-Dewan Pemerhati Kehutanan dan Lingkungan Tatar Sunda (DPKLTS) pesimis terhadap rancangan perda Jabar tentang persampahan. Dewan Pakar DPKLTS, Sobirin Supardiono, menyatakan, raperda yang akan dijadikan perda itu hanya akan menjadi 'macan kertas'.
Sobirin menjelaskan, saat ini sekitar 90 persen warga Jabar dikategorikan belum peduli terhadap persampahan. bahkan pemerintahnya pun belum serius mengatasi persoalan sampah......
Menurut dia, pengelolaan sampah tidak terlepas dari tiga faktor, yaitu political will, pendidikan, serta budaya. Untuk persoalan political will, kata Sobirin, pemerintah daerah dalam menunjukkannya untuk mengatasi persoalan sampah secara komperehensif.
Demikian pula di bidang pendidikan, tidak ada satu pun mata pelajaran tentang cara pengelolaan sampah di sekolah-sekolah. Sobirin mengatakan, masyarakat pun sudah terbiasa tidak dibebani dengan urusan sampah, karena mereka merasa sudah membayar retribusi.
"Idealnya pengelolaan sampah diawali dari produsennya. Proses pemilahan sampah yang sudah tertumpuk akan memakan biaya tinggi. Sekali ngangkut sampah dari TPS ke TPA bisa menghabiskan Rp 500 ribu per truk,'' ujar Sobirin, Kamis (18/6).
Menurutnya, rencana diberlakukannya perda tentang persampahan sangat bagus. Namun, berdasarkan pengalaman, payung hukum yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hanya akan menjadi 'macan kertas' yang ompong.
Saat implementasi di lapangan, menurut Sobirin, biasanya terbentur ego sektoral dari masing-masing kota dan kabupaten. Kota dan kabupaten pun, menurut dia, kerap mengabaikan payung hukum yang digulirkan Pemprov. (A-132/kur)***
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Kamis, 18 Juni 2009 , 13:39:00
BANDUNG, (PRLM).-Dewan Pemerhati Kehutanan dan Lingkungan Tatar Sunda (DPKLTS) pesimis terhadap rancangan perda Jabar tentang persampahan. Dewan Pakar DPKLTS, Sobirin Supardiono, menyatakan, raperda yang akan dijadikan perda itu hanya akan menjadi 'macan kertas'.
Sobirin menjelaskan, saat ini sekitar 90 persen warga Jabar dikategorikan belum peduli terhadap persampahan. bahkan pemerintahnya pun belum serius mengatasi persoalan sampah......
Menurut dia, pengelolaan sampah tidak terlepas dari tiga faktor, yaitu political will, pendidikan, serta budaya. Untuk persoalan political will, kata Sobirin, pemerintah daerah dalam menunjukkannya untuk mengatasi persoalan sampah secara komperehensif.
Demikian pula di bidang pendidikan, tidak ada satu pun mata pelajaran tentang cara pengelolaan sampah di sekolah-sekolah. Sobirin mengatakan, masyarakat pun sudah terbiasa tidak dibebani dengan urusan sampah, karena mereka merasa sudah membayar retribusi.
"Idealnya pengelolaan sampah diawali dari produsennya. Proses pemilahan sampah yang sudah tertumpuk akan memakan biaya tinggi. Sekali ngangkut sampah dari TPS ke TPA bisa menghabiskan Rp 500 ribu per truk,'' ujar Sobirin, Kamis (18/6).
Menurutnya, rencana diberlakukannya perda tentang persampahan sangat bagus. Namun, berdasarkan pengalaman, payung hukum yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hanya akan menjadi 'macan kertas' yang ompong.
Saat implementasi di lapangan, menurut Sobirin, biasanya terbentur ego sektoral dari masing-masing kota dan kabupaten. Kota dan kabupaten pun, menurut dia, kerap mengabaikan payung hukum yang digulirkan Pemprov. (A-132/kur)***
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