Senin, 21 September 2009

DPKLTS Pessimistic about the Local Regulations of Waste

Pikiran Rakyat
Thursday, June 18, 2009, 13:39:00

BANDUNG, (PRLM) .- Board of Forestry and Environmental Observer Tatar Sunda (DPKLTS) pessimistic about the draft regulations on waste Jabar. DPKLTS Expert Council, Sobirin Supardiono, states, which will be raperda regulations would only be a 'paper tiger'.

Sobirin explained, currently about 90 percent of West Java have not categorized care about garbage. even the government was not seriously tackle the problem of garbage ............

According to him, waste management is inseparable from the three factors, namely political will, education, and culture. Political will for the problem, said Sobirin, the local government to show it to deal with waste problems is comprehensive.

Similarly, in education, none of the subjects on how waste management in schools. Sobirin said, people were already accustomed to not be burdened with the affairs of garbage, because they're already paying fees.

"Ideally, waste management starting from the manufacturers. The sorting rubbish is piled high will cost. Ngangkut Once trash from TPS to TPA could spend USD 500 thousand per truck,''said Sobirin, Thursday (18 / 6).

According to him, the implementation plan regulation of the waste is very good. However, based on experience, the umbrella law relating to the environment will only be a 'paper tiger' is missing.

When implementation in the field, according to Sobirin, usually knock sectoral ego of each city and district. Cities and districts, according to him, often ignore the legal umbrella of the administration rolled out. (A-132/kur) ***

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